Sunday, May 5, 2024

April 24, 2024 US university protests

menu board design

Complete your brand identity with a personalized Menu design. A great Menu helps you create a recognizable brand and grow your network. Don't just inform people of who you are and how they can reach you, but tell your story too - create a high-impact Menu using the BrandCrowd Menu maker. With unlimited edits you can create as many variations as you want. Get access to letterheads and email signatures matched to your brand colors to complete your brand identity. Choose easy-to-read fonts that can be easily seen from a distance on the screen.

How COVID-19 altered the “art and science” of menus - Marketplace

How COVID-19 altered the “art and science” of menus.

Posted: Mon, 26 Jul 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

How to create a menu

menu board design

Our work helps you deliver personalized experiences that will entice your customers to spend more time with your brand or exhibit, and increase your sales and engagement. Learn how we’re integrating digital technology into our signage. We design, engineer, and build our illuminated and digital indoor and drive thru menu boards so they are easy to see from anywhere, and simple to update on the fly. They require little to no maintenance, even while enduring the harshest conditions under 24/7 usage. The future of the food industry is digital, and restaurant menu boards are an essential tool for businesses that want to succeed in the long run. Designing effective digital signage requires a balance of creativity and functionality.

Add Your Menu Items

We integrate with the best digital signage companies who have deep experience supporting the restaurant industry. Choose from over 1,000 menu board templates for every type of restaurant. Design larger-than-life menus or attention-grabbing promotions. Customers can browse through different menu categories, view detailed descriptions and images of food items, customize their orders, and even place their orders directly through the menu board.

Increase Your Sales by 38% with Skillful Digital Signage +1500 Digital Templates Library

A digital display menu board is a modern and dynamic tool used in various industries, particularly in the food and beverage sector. It serves as an electronic platform for showcasing menus, promotions, and other relevant information in a visually appealing and engaging manner. At its worst, ambiguity encourages chefs to ignore the cultures that repopularized California cuisine. In the 1970s, chefs believed LA had no traditions — culinarily or architecturally — so they filled the void with new ideas. Today the city has re-emerged as a hub of innovation; this time, it’s not white chefs driving conversation, but immigrant communities.

Vibrantly illuminated storefront and in-storeadvertising that highlights elegant jewelry. Designing over 80 custom light boxes for oneof the most popular tourist attractions in the country. For more than 45 years, we have manufactured products locally, meeting the highest standards possible and offering durable solutions that elevate your brand. Choose an industry or keyword below and we'll start creating Menus in seconds... Choose from several layout options and use any color for your Menu.

It’s essential to create a visually appealing display that makes it easy for diners to navigate and understand the menu. Using cloud-based digital menu board software to manage the board allows businesses to update their menus from anywhere with an internet connection. This section will explore three interactive digital signage board ideas businesses can use to encourage customer engagement. By incorporating some unique ideas into your own digital board, you can create a more engaging and informative experience for your customers, ultimately leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction. The minimalist styles used in our menu templates are ideal for advertising your restaurant’s daily offers. You can easily highlight the specials of the day, using the text and imagery of your choice.

April 24, 2024 - US university protests

Imagine having access to a treasure trove of professionally designed graphics and layouts that you can customize to suit your brand. AIScreen Digital Signage is a powerful tool that can help boost your sales by a significant 38%! It offers you access to a whopping library of over 1500 digital templates.

LAUSD’s Alberto Carvalho discusses California budget …

Effortlessly create stunning menus with our user-friendly design tool, perfect for designers and menu makers of all levels. The color scheme should align with your brand’s visual identity. Consider the psychology of colors, ensuring they evoke the desired emotions and create a visually appealing contrast.

Use high-contrast colors

The board said it is "urgently working" with Shafik to resolve the unrest on campus and "rebuild the bonds of our community." In an evening update, the Texas Department of Public Safety said that 34 arrests had been made by law enforcement on the campus as of 9 p.m. The university closed its campus Wednesday evening as LAPD began arresting demonstrators. At one point during the demonstrations, tensions escalated as protesters refused to relocate and remove their tents and other prohibited items, a university official said.

menu board design

Explore our full menu, stuffed with all the hits, from our unique creations to the tried and tasted classics. Nicholas Mancall-Bitel is a food and culture writer based in NYC and LA. At the same time, the restaurant Sunday in Brooklyn looks more typical of Santa Monica than its own New York borough. The modern revolution began to take shape in 2011, less than a year after Instagram launched.

High-contrast colors make it easier for buyers to read the menu on the screens. Choose colors that are visually appealing and complementary to your brand. We’ll cover everything from font choice to color theory selection to layout and provide examples of businesses that have successfully implemented these design elements. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and business sales.

By following these design tips, businesses can create great digital signage software templates, improve the overall customer experience, and increase sales. Not all digital menu boards have the capability of playing audio. You will need displays that have built-in speakers and digital signage software that supports audio. An interactive menu board is a digital display system that is used to present menus, food items, and other information in a dynamic and engaging manner. The interactive nature of these menu boards allows customers to interact with the displayed content through touchscreens or other input devices. Let your customers know what you serve in a beautifully designed menu.

Our custom colour palette is another great feature that will make your menu creation process easy. Experience seamless menu viewing on all devices with our responsive design engine.‍Mobile, tablet, desktop, and embedded view. Unleash your creativity and build a menu from scratch, or select from pro templates. In one glance, let your menu tell the story of your business and connect with viewers. To download the menu maker app, please click on the button below.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Evolutionary flaws disprove the theory of intelligent design

intelligent design vs evolution

For example, the naturalistic viewpoint is praised by those who like it for its tendency to liberate us from religious authority. So, when an evolutionary task we guessed would be difficult (such as producing the eye) turns out to be possible with incremental improvement, instead of concluding that dumb evolution was sufficient after all, we might recognise that evolution was very smart to have found building blocks that make the problem look so easy. The idea of the evolution of evolvability has been around for some time, but the detailed application of learning theory is beginning to give this area a much needed theoretical foundation. But what about evolution, can it get better at evolving over time? Evolvability, simply the ability to evolve, depends on appropriate variation, selection and heredity – Darwin’s cornerstones. Interestingly, all of these components can be altered by past evolution, meaning past evolution can change the way that future evolution operates.

Isn't intelligent design just a newer version of creationism?

With a Ph.D. in history of science from the University of Chicago, he uncovers the rich tapestry of the past, revealing how scientific ideas have shaped our understanding of the world. When he’s not writing, Michael can be found birdwatching, hiking, and exploring the great outdoors. Join him on a journey through the annals of scientific history and the intricacies of evolutionary biology right here on Critics of intelligent design argue that it is not a scientific theory, as it cannot be tested or falsified. They also point to the overwhelming evidence in support of evolution and the lack of evidence supporting intelligent design. In the end, the debate over intelligent design raises important questions about the relationship between science, religion, and politics, and highlights the ongoing tension between faith and reason in contemporary society.

intelligent design vs evolution

The 11 most astonishing scientific discoveries of 2023

As an expert, you know a lot that other people don't know. But also in the course of all your expert training, you pick up a worldview and a set of prejudices that you then become completely dependent on in order to continue to be an expert. It's understood that if you want to be about science, you have to be supportive of this theory.

What is intelligence?

Islands like Hawaii and New Zealand also lacked these mammals, and had plant, insect and bird species not found elsewhere on Earth. Numerous predators eat their prey alive; parasites destroy their living hosts from within; in many species of spiders and insects, the females devour their mates. Religious scholars in the past had struggled with such dysfunction and cruelty because they were difficult to explain by God’s design. "But unfortunately, the ID supporters do not care if their arguments are refuted time and time again. All the "unexplainable" examples they cite can be explained by the theory of evolution," he adds. For anyone who wishes to understand the “intelligent design” controversy in detail, this book is a terrific one-volume summary of the scientific, philosophical and theological issues. Philip E. Johnson, Michael J. Behe and William A. Dembski make the case for intelligent design in their chapters and are rebutted by evolutionists, including Pennock, Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Dawkins.

# C.S. Lewis and ID: Key Differences

But one should not—and does not—find modern human fossils embedded in strata from the Jurassic period (65 million years ago). Evolutionary biology routinely makes predictions far more refined and precise than this, and researchers test them constantly. Between 1925 and 1968, in an effort to skirt the issue, most textbook publishers had pretty well eliminated Darwin and the theory of evolution from biology textbooks. But beginning in 1958, on the occasion of the centenary of Darwin’s famous work, “The Origin of Species,” the National Science Foundation launched a campaign to get top biologists to rewrite science textbooks to include evolution.

C.S. Lewis on Evolution and Intelligent Design

The creationists refuse to accept even well-established science if it contradicts their understanding of the literal meaning of the words of Genesis. Therefore, referring to ID as a creationist doctrine immediately labels ID as standing in opposition to science. By this name-calling device, the critics of ID have already won the battle in the minds of the public without having to deal with the real issue of whether or not the claim of ID is correct. The concept of Intelligent Design (ID) was proposed in 1996 by biochemist Michael Behe in his book, Darwin’s Black Box, the Biochemical Challenge to Evolution.

Lewis on Intelligent Design

This would be an enormous limitation to the evolutionary process. It is important to note that even a relatively simple system, consisting of only two parts, can be an irreducibly complex system, if both parts are necessary for the system to function. Behe discusses the mousetrap as a classic example of an IC system. This example serves to confirm that Behe’s assertion that ID has nothing at all to do with the argument from design. On November 24, the 150th anniversary of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species--the theory that new species can arise from old ones through natural selection is still met with some resistance. In response Pigliucci noted that very few people were brain surgeons, yet would trust one if they needed surgery.

An Outstanding Year for Intelligent Design - Discovery Institute

An Outstanding Year for Intelligent Design.

Posted: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Evolutionary flaws disprove the theory of intelligent design

“Intelligent design is a scientific theory which states that some aspects of nature are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected cause such as natural selection,” says Luskin. He believes that teachers should not be forced to teach about intelligent design but that those who understand it and want to teach it should have the right to do so in high school biology classes. They speak of intelligent design as science, rather than religion. From what we know about the way the universe works, humans appear to inhabit a cosmic environment with variables that are remarkably well-suited for life as we know it (above, the famous "pillars of creation" as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope). For example, the value of the gravitational constant--an equation that defines the amount of attraction between objects with mass--is just right for creating planets orbiting sunlike stars with lifetimes long enough for life to evolve.

Understanding Evolution

Evolution cannot explain how life first appeared on Earth. The deeper error is that this objection is tantamount to asking, “If children descended from adults, why are there still adults? ” New species evolve by splintering off from established ones, when populations of organisms become isolated from the main branch of their family and acquire sufficient differences to remain forever distinct. The parent species may survive indefinitely thereafter, or it may become extinct.

“There’s no end to the number of these subjects,” he says. I am in touch constantly with young scholars, including people in Ph.D. programs in biology, who see that there is something wrong with the Darwinian theory and would like to do something about it when they can. They like to talk with me because they don't want to get involved in the traditional creationist movement.

So when scientists talk about the theory of evolution—or the atomic theory or the theory of relativity, for that matter—they are not expressing reservations about its truth. To answer this question, one must return to the period that preceded modern science. In the ancient world, discovering the laws of nature by experimentation was a foreign idea. The mathematicians had discovered the laws of geometry by pure reason, and it was viewed as self-evident that this was the appropriate method for studying the physical universe as well. Indeed, performing careful experiments and carrying out detailed observations seemed unbecoming to the philosopher. His realm of activity was the mind; only a servant or an artisan would “get his hands dirty” with the many menial tasks required to carry out an experiment.

The genes are going to win when people ask me about that great degree of similarity between human genes and chimpanzee genes. I answer that genes must not be anywhere near as important as we have been led to believe. If there were that great a commonality between chimps and humans, it ought to be relatively easy to breed chimps and come up with a human being, or by genetic engineering to change a chimp into a human. We ought to see humans occasionally being born to chimps or perhaps chimps born into human families. At that point I would say if we can't consider the other possibility then let's not consider it.

intelligent design vs evolution

Lewis knows that such important facts must be included in the complete rational evaluation of any case for an Ultimate Being or Transcendent Intelligence. This is why Lewis would say that it is too glib—and conveniently selective—for IDers to argue that a Transcendent Intelligence is the best explanation of selected complex forms (e.g., the whip-like tail of a certain bacterium) while ignoring other phenomena in the biological realm such as carnage, pain, and death. Lewis clearly believed that, when the arguments for and against God are weighed, Theism indeed appears more rational than any other philosophical position.

Well, to a large extent it depends on what you mean by evolution. When I speak to audiences about this, I like to say that even the Darwinian theory of evolution is valid up to a point. The problem with the theory of evolution is not that it's altogether wrong, but that it's correct only in a very limited and relatively trivial sphere rather than as the grand creation story that it is made out to be. It's a good theory for how finch beaks vary in size or how disease-causing microorganisms become resistant to antibiotic medicines. What if the Darwinian mechanism doesn't have the creative power claimed for it? It's two sides of the same coin as I look at it, and that's why I've always devoted my energies to making the skeptical case about Darwinism.

51 Fancy French Manicure Designs That Will Take Your Classic Nails To The Next Level

french tip nails with heart design

It was invented in 1975 by Orly International CEO Jeff Pink, who saw the need for an easy nail style option for female actors. What better way to express self love than to treat yourself to a heart adorned French manicure? Instead of traditional French manicure tips, this style utilizes meticulously drawn hearts to outline the tip of the nail.

Optical Illusion Hearts

Once you get this base design right, you can give free rein to your artistic side and create elaborate Pinterest-worthy nail art. This striking pink French tip nail design is sure to make a statement at any event, thanks to its shiny and stunning appearance. The wavy patterns add movement and flair to your manicure, while the pink color palette adds a feminine touch. With this pink French tip nail design, you can transform your look for the new season as the flirtatious zebra stripes make them a great choice to complement any weather.

Silver glitter is great for the holidays

Honestly, we can't get enough of this flashy and stunning version of a French manicure. They look great on the silhouette nails above, but you could just as easily pull this off on any nail shape. Maybe you're prepping for Valentine's Day, or you're just in a particularly lovey-dovey mood. Whatever the case may be, go ahead and showcase your emotions on your nails with these heart-shaped French tips. A single red or pink shade would get the message across beautifully, but we also love the two-toned design in the photo above that utilizes both colors.

Glittery Pink Almond Nails

french tip nails with heart design

This trendy nail design combines the elegance of French tips with playful wavy patterns, creating a look that is both sophisticated and fun. The length of the tips of this nail design gives you plenty of space to get creative if you want to add some extra flair to the curvy design. The pink square nails are versatile for any season, whether it’s winter or summer. If you’re feeling creative, you can add a pop of magenta color around the base of the pinkish-cream tips. Here’s a unique and sparkly approach to French tip nails.

The alternating pattern of celestial bodies against the night-sky-inspired tips creates a dreamy effect. Pink french tips in different shades are the perfect complement to an accent ring finger with tiny pink hearts. Add some small dots for a fun way to make your nails pop.

Both Beyoncé and Hailey Bieber have recently worn cherry red French nails, formally ditching the more obvious white polish shade choice. Margot Robbie, on the other hand, painted her tips a Barbiecore hot pink. Ice Spice brought her Y2K-loving Gen Z approach to the French tip obsession, painting chocolate milk-colored lacquer on duck-shaped nails.

Pink & Red Heart Valentine’s Nails

Barbie-mania might have simmered down a bit, but the obsession with hues of pink isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. We’re loving this vibrant pink French manicure dipped in chrome. And you can’t deny the fact that a set of almond french tips is like the superior form of the style. This reptilian look features a mix of bright, punchy colors painted on top of the Aprés Sculpted Stiletto Long ($17) gel tips. This ornate seashell-inspired pink nail tip design emulates line drawings with thin black outlines separating the ridges of the shell.

Black-and-White Negative Space French Manicure

Ahead, discover 22 heart nail designs to carry you through Valentine's Day and beyond. We would highly recommend choosing different shades, experimenting with various textures, or even dabbling in fun nail art. And if you’re in a bit of a creative rut, don’t you worry.

To help inspire you, we asked two manicurists to share what they consider to be the coolest heart nail ideas worth trying, as well as tips on how to recreate them. According to Julie Kandalec, a celebrity nail artist and founder of Julie K Nail Academy, you can't go wrong with the basics, such as classic, hand-painted hearts. "And they don't need to be perfect," she tells POPSUGAR. "A simple outline, solid hearts, or tonal shades will be prettiest." This striking set of long, stiletto-shaped nails features a vibrant neon yellow French tip that transitions into a classic, sheer nude base on most of the nails. The bold contrast between the bright tips and the natural nail color creates a very modern twist on the traditional French manicure.

11 Best Valentine's Day nail designs that everyone will fall in love with in 2024 - Sportskeeda

11 Best Valentine's Day nail designs that everyone will fall in love with in 2024.

Posted: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

An easy way to spice up your classic french manicure is to use a glittery base under the white tips. A stunning twist to classic french tip nails is these rectangle french tips, they’re such a fun, modern twist to the tips we know and love. Trade your classic white french tip for a smile line made out of tiny pink hearts. Start with a nude base, then draw hearts along the edge of your nail to complete the look. These nails are sleek and modern with their soft pink base and gold-trimmed angular white tips. The elegant metallic detail adds a touch of luxury and sophistication to the classic French manicure.

You'll need long, thick nails to pull this off, but the end result is sure to be just as stunning as you are. Of course, you're always free to add in accents to your French manicure as you see fit. Take the above example — the blue-to-nude French fade looks stunning with the addition of some white-lined flames overtop each nail. White accents are an easy and subtle way to add something extra to your French manicure without overwhelming it. Maybe you don't opt for gold because it's too flashy for you, but you still want a chic and fancy French manicure nonetheless.

When that mood strikes, try adding some flecks of glitter on top of your favorite French manicure color. A polish that boasts some large flecks will add visual interest to your mani without overcomplicating it. If you consider yourself to be a bit on the edgier side of things, the angled French manicure may be a great take on the classic for you. To create this look, start painting in a top corner of your nail, then drag your color of choice down to the opposite corner.

To get the look, "Put clear builder gel into small silicone heart molds made for nail art," she says. "Cure with LED light, then carefully remove from the silicone mold, [and] paint with a gel polish of your choice." This is such a cool way to incorporate animal print on your nails. Paint the white tips — you don’t need straight-across lines for this design. In fact, it’s better if it’s a little slanted on some nails.

For the ultimate French mani inspo ahead of your nail appointments, you’re going to want to save this story. Get these gilded green sparklers to celebrate into March and through the spring. She Be Thriving is your go-to guide for daily inspiration from date ideas and outfits to gift guides and dating tips. Our goal is to simplify your time and energy when it comes to dating. The sparkle of these studded stones makes this French manicure very attractive, offering you a captivating and versatile option for any event or outing. Delve into your collection to find the perfect hues that resonate with your personal style and preferences.

Maybe gold glitter really doesn't match your style, but you still want to adopt gold in some way when you get your next fancy French manicure. Instead of doing glittery gold, go offbeat by adding some gold foil to the tips of your nails, and make the rest of your nails celestial-themed. You're a sophisticated, glam gal who refuses to wear anything but the highest of high fashion, and you want your nails to match that endlessly elevated vibe. Do yourself a favor and hop on the dark French manicure trend by painting the tips of your nails black. A standard black French manicure is chic enough, but if you want, you can turn an accent nail into a design, as in the heart tip on the above ring finger. Sometimes the holiday season calls for something a bit playful on your nails, but an ultra-fancy version of a French manicure just won't do.

Friday, May 3, 2024

11 best web design software tools in 2024

design software web

Total novices with zero-coding ability will prefer one of the best website builders, which are online services that make it easy to build a website using pre-built templates. You simply pick a template, add your text and images, and you'll have a fully-functioning site in no time. Weebly is another online CMS, and it's one of the best web design software tools for users with little or no coding experience, providing easy to use drag and drop tools for creating a website.

Best for designer-developer workflows

Although Affinity Photo is the equivalent of Photoshop, we have to give it to Affinity Designer as the most useful of Serif’s options for web design projects. Users pay a one-time $50 fee for a license to the software and future updates, as opposed to Adobe’s subscription model, which can run you hundreds to thousands of dollars in the long run. But Photoshop, as the name suggests, was never meant for web design exclusively.

Figma: Best Free Collaborative Wireframing Tool for Beginners

The component library has buttons, navigation bars, forms, headers, alerts, and so forth. You can simply download the current version of Bootstrap, or load it locally with BootstrapCDN, copy one of the sample templates, and begin customizing. Durable is the perfect solution for if you need to get a website up and running as soon as possible. It takes care of all the nitty gritty and gets you a nice-looking, albeit limited, website.

Webflow University

design software web

Originally started as a JavaScript library for prototyping, Framer is now its own all-in-one tool that was designed to help design teams create stunning no code prototypes. Plus, if you’re looking for website design software that also includes web hosting and a comprehensive content management system, Webflow’s got you covered. You can even hire one of our approved experts to migrate your website from other website-building platforms like Squarespace, Weebly, Wix, and WordPress.

Coding Basics

It's also the only design tool among its competitors to offer AI functionality. You can upscale images, remove backgrounds, generate placeholder text, and create user avatars for contact lists and testimonials. Here's a comparison of Lunacy versus some of the other tools on this list. Sketch is one of the most (if not the most) well-known and used tools for web designing. It comes with an advanced vector tool, which aids in the collaborative development of interfaces and prototypes. WordPress is an open-source content management system that makes it easy to set up a website in minutes.

Lunacy: Best Free User Interface Design Tool for Windows Users

Reach out to our customer care team to receive more information, technical support, assistance with complaints and more. For example, AI can look at what you have clicked on before and show you more things you will like, making your experience on the site feel customized just for you. It can also help with things like customer support and answering questions through chatbots so you get help immediately. Minimalist design evolution is about how minimalist design principles have changed and adapted to web design. Minimalism means keeping things simple and clear on a website, focusing only on what’s necessary, and removing anything extra that might distract.

To get started with Bootstrap, simply download the latest version of the Bootstrap framework, copy one of the example templates, and start coding. To start with the reliable web app pattern for .NET web applications, developers are encouraged to start by reviewing the documentation. Additionally, exploring the GitHub repository provides access to a ready-to-deploy reference implementation of the pattern. The latest update to the Reliable Web App Pattern is an essential guidance for developers aiming to utilize Azure for re-platforming .NET web applications.

Can I design a website without coding?

For UI/UX design, Figma is deceptively uncomplicated to use with an advanced toolset that's large, accessible, and accommodating. For pure mockups and simple site creation, however, Canva remains some of the easiest software to create a website or any other digital content designs. Canva is one of the easiest web design software tools for making mockup sites. The number of themes available for Weebly is somewhat limited, but the designs are clean and professional-looking, plus there are options to personalize accordingly. Additionally, the themes are responsive, which means they are optimized to work with mobile devices, plus they have in built SEO, analytics, and even a feature for posting ads directly to Facebook. WordPress is an alternative way to set up and design your website, being rather different to the other offerings we've highlighted here because it's actually a content management system (CMS).

Best Free Website Builders Of 2024 – Forbes Advisor - Forbes

Best Free Website Builders Of 2024 – Forbes Advisor.

Posted: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Additionally, you will also need to consider whether you're happy to set up with a third-party platform or whether you are designing a website to host just for yourself. Third-party tools can also prove an excellent way to expand website functionality. The very best web design software will pair with online form builders, image hosting, and CDNs to help boost your brand. Sketch is an extremely popular interface design tool focused on simplifying the process of creating beautiful, high-fidelity mockups. Sketch gained popularity in the early 2010s when it won a design award from Apple.

The free web builder is pretty intuitive, but if you want to add any of the plugins or themes that WordPress is known for, you'll need a premium account. If you've ever even thought about building a website, you've heard of WordPress. The infinite number of plugins and themes can be intimidating to a newcomer, but seasoned veterans will find the number of options preferable. Everything on this page is customizable, and I love the customizable timer widget. The bottom line with Content Hub is that every part of building a website is thought of for you. All you have to do is click through and decide what you want, then customize each page for you.

design software web

You can regenerate any specific section or the full layout in just a click. You can also regenerate the web copies and images by writing customized prompts. Sublime Text is a free web design tool that's optimal for coding a website from the ground up. It allows you to keep HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code all in one unified file, and it color-codes different tags and attributes for easier reading and editing. If you pair Bootstrap with Sublime Text, you'll be able to easily build a high-performing website — and efficiently. While this tool has a niche use, it will quickly become a favorite because of how reliable and easy to use it is.

There is also an integrated user testing feature, which is still rare in the web design space. Another reason I love it is because it provides the opportunity to centralize feedback. GIMP is the best alternative to Photoshop and is powerful for those who need to edit a picture on a budget. It's admittedly built on outdated software, but it's good enough to get the job done.

Anima App is a design to code platform that allows you to create high-fidelity prototypes. Used by teams at Apple, Netflix, Walmart, and more, Anima App lets you create interactive and responsive prototypes using your existing design workflow. Simplified also has a suite of AI marketing tools and templates you can use to speed up the content and design process. Designers use Procreate to create graphics and animations for websites, books, social media posts, and more. The tool is like taking all of your physical colored pencils, paint brushes, and paint colors, then putting them all on your iPad. The tool sometimes gets a bad wrap among the design community as being a “basic tool.” However, Canva is a powerful platform that makes it easy for even non-designers to make something beautiful.

It’s easy for collaborators to add comments on your designs or prototypes, as well as work on designs alongside you. If you want to go further, though, you can easily start personalising with animations, image editing, social media buttons and various backgrounds. If you’re looking for a website builder for small business, we recommend Shopify. It’s an e-commerce platform that offers a wide range of features, such as abandoned cart recovery and automatic tax calculation. We found this limited, better serving casual users and small teams with a small output compared to the monthly/annual subscription plans tailored to freelancers, teams, and organizations. An excellent collection of 500 plus templates gets the design process off to a quick start.

That's why wireframing, prototyping, and coding are important — and you can use the tools above to get that done. It's incredibly easy and simple to get something started with no extra cost. I'd recommend this tool for beginning web enthusiasts who want to build a simple website for their hobbies or perhaps even a personal portfolio website. However, once you want more functionality from your website, I'd switch to Content Hub or WordPress, depending on your needs.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The best superyacht concepts from 2021

yacht design

A more recent delivery from the drawing boards of Bannenberg & Rowell, Moon Sand features a long, linear profile with long lines of black glazing defining her silhouette. Glass was, and continues to be, one of the biggest design trends in yachting right now. We’ve seen it wrapped around Oceanco’s 90 metre Dar, stretched up high in the atrium of 80 metre Excellence and used to make geometric cut-out shapes on 80 metre Artefact. The Moonen 110 is another model which leans into the retro aesthetic. Described as a “gentleman’s yacht,” the 34 metre yacht boasts a low profile, geometric shapes, and foredeck steps that all carry echoes of classic models like the Moonen 84 and 97. Ahead of the Superyacht Design Festival, BOAT rounds up some of the stand-out features to look out for in 2022.

Similar yachts for sale

With a multipurpose layout, EXO-X is conducive to private exploration, charters, or even scientific expeditions. In fact, the main deck is outfitted with a laboratory in which a team can execute research. Images, sounds and scents evoked a dreamlike sea that was discovered through the labyrinth of doors of the old changing rooms at the beginning. In Alonso’s view, there are some essentials that all superyachts need. Meanwhile, Benetti’s 36.8 metre Koju features curves on the interior.

Gregory C. Marshall Naval Architect

yacht design

He oversees a team of international architects and designers in his studio Miguel Rueda Designs, creating innovative and cutting edge designs for Hollywood's elite, the Saudi royal family, and other dignitaries. Whether you want to renovate your yacht or are stepping into the luxury living yacht lifestyle, Miguel Rueda will bring your vision to reality. Miguel Rueda Designs creates hyper-realistic superyacht interior CAD renderings, which enable our clients to view and evaluate new designs before execution. We believe that the best source of inspiration from our style and previous projects, but from each client's vision, lifestyle and tastes. On top of being experienced designers, we are creatives who bring an artistic eye to the project. We ensure that each room is functional and artistic, balanced and elegant.


Incredible feats can be achieved by pushing the boundaries of design further than you might initially think possible. One of the best examples of this from the Winch Design studio is 80-metre Excellence. Excellence is a remarkable feat of ingenuity with her unique superstructure, advanced technical design and daring innovation.

Only the smaller, easily singlehanded boats seem to be used on sparkling summer weekends. The design of a yacht must take into account the intended use of the yacht, such as whether it will be used for racing, cruising, or commercial purposes. The size, weight, and material of the yacht must also be carefully considered, as these factors will affect its performance and seaworthiness. This giant crab inspired 25m solar-powered catamaran concept by Lazzarini Design named Pagurus is capable of becoming amphibious thanks to retractable cylinders at the bottom of the twin steel hulls.

Yacht and Boat Design Diploma

Founded by Zak Kadosh back in 1996, IK Yacht Design worked hard to quickly establish itself as a leader in interior renovation and redesign in the yachting industry. Since its inception IK Yacht Design has branched out into the residential, commercial, luxury recreational vehicle and aviation industries. Weekly updates on the latest design and architecture vacancies advertised on Dezeen Jobs. Daily updates on the latest design and architecture vacancies advertised on Dezeen Jobs.

Project EVO Is Van Der Valk's Largest Custom Superyacht in Terms of Both Length and Volume - autoevolution

Project EVO Is Van Der Valk's Largest Custom Superyacht in Terms of Both Length and Volume.

Posted: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 04:28:04 GMT [source]

yacht design

Cassetta is known for his expertise in creating functional and aesthetically pleasing designs. Notable projects include the Benetti Luminosity, Spectre, and Triumph. Luiz De Basto is a yacht designer, architect and interior designer based in Miami, Florida. He has more than 20 years of experience in yacht design and has designed a wide range of yachts. He has a degree in naval architecture and marine engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and has worked in the yachting industry for over 20 years. He is well-known for his clean and modern aesthetic and he is now one of the most respected yacht designers of the world.

Zuretti Interior Design is a French interior design firm that specializes in creating bespoke interiors for luxury homes, yachts, and private jets. The company was founded by Francois Zuretti and is based in Nice, France. Zuretti Interior Design is known for its unique and sophisticated approach to interior design, combining traditional Italian craftsmanship with modern design techniques. Notable projects include the Lurssen Scheherazade, Symphony, Katharine, and the 2023 Lurssen Luminance. Alberto Pinto Design is a luxury interior design firm based in Paris, France, that specializes in high-end residential, commercial and yacht projects. The company was founded by Alberto Pinto in 1978, who passed away in 2012.

Scuderia 65 - Sailing yacht by yacht designer Harry Miesbauer - Sea-Help GmbH

Scuderia 65 - Sailing yacht by yacht designer Harry Miesbauer.

Posted: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 12:46:23 GMT [source]

I don't have a single favourite design, but one of the yachts that gave me major satisfaction was Utopia IV, one of the fastest superyachts in the world. In this project, we were challenged to keep the yacht as light as possible in order not to compromise her performance, yet at the same time making her elegant and luxurious. The aim was also to make this yacht extremely sleek, aerodynamic and automotive-inspired, with a dynamic appeal even when still.

Redman Whitely Dixon (RWD) is a UK-based yacht design studio, established in 1984. RWD is known for its high-quality yacht design and engineering services, with a focus on performance, efficiency and safety. The company’s services include yacht design, naval architecture, interior design, project management and engineering. RWD has a reputation for creating innovative and custom-made yachts, and has worked with some of the world’s leading yacht builders and shipyards. Notable projects include the Lurssen Al Said, the Feadship Faith, and the Amels Ilona. Tommaso Spadolini is an Italian yacht designer and naval architect.

Winch Design has developed a design philosophy that is unconstrained by a "house style" – but instead is a reflection of the client and their character. Each project is unique, and we take pride in having no "one size fits all" approach to design. The studios are relentlessly creative, and we are dedicated to finding solutions to unprecedented challenges, be it on a grand, breathtaking superyacht or a pared-back, contemporary sailing yacht. Our clients are often as much a part of the design process as our teams are. We believe that the experience of designing the project is as important as the project itself, and they need to enjoy every moment with us.

Jon Bannenberg was a pioneering yacht designer and architect from Australia. He was widely considered to be one of the most influential yacht designers of the 20th century. Notable projects include David Geffen’s yacht Rising Sun, the Lurssen Limitless, and the iconic Kingdom 5KR. Lobanov Design is a design and engineering company that specializes in the creation of bespoke, one-of-a-kind superyachts. Founded in 2007 by Igor Lobanov, the company is known for its innovative designs and attention to detail and has earned a reputation for delivering exceptional quality and craftsmanship in its projects.

We give everything and perform to the best of our abilities to fulfil and honour our commitments. The studio follows every step of the design and construction, from concept to completion. Another very important aspect is that the clients have to find the design process as enjoyable as possible.

The 50 metre K2, the latest Sport 50 MT from Columbus, also makes use of the foredeck for a dip pool. The key benefit is uninterrupted vistas, but this position also holds appeal for owners in search of increased privacy and smoother access from their cabin. “It’s a reaction to the fact that a lot of these clients are really focusing on their lifestyles now,” says Horsfield. “The layouts of yachts aren’t as predictable as they used to be, because people are being more specific about they how use their yachts." One time an elder Lebanese client taught me that anything was possible and my job was not only to design but to find practical solutions that could satisfy his wishes, without losing sight of budget.

The company often works together with Paris Dragnis’ Golden Yachts. Espen Øino is a Norwegian yacht designer who is known for designing some of the world’s largest and most luxurious yachts. He is the founder and principal designer of Espen Øino International, a yacht design firm based in Monaco.

Top Certifications for Sound Designers in 2024 Ranked

sound design opportunities

These are general estimates and can fluctuate depending on the above factors. In the music industry, sound designers’ salaries can range from entry-level positions to highly experienced professionals. You might start out with an annual salary of around $30,000 to $40,000, but with experience and expertise, your salary can range from $50,000 to $100,000 or more per year. Getting hands-on experience is crucial in developing your skills as a sound designer, and Recording Connection has real-world experience built into our programs. You’ll learn how sound design works in the industry today and get immediate feedback on your questions and your work. Finally, staying up-to-date with industry trends, technologies, and techniques is important for a sound designer.

Skywalker Sound, Sound Design - Lucasfilm

Skywalker Sound, Sound Design.

Posted: Tue, 26 Jun 2018 17:10:20 GMT [source]

How to pay your bills when you’re starting out in Hollywood

sound design opportunities

Chapter 14 — “Sound Design in the Context of Sonification” by Visda Goudarzi — focuses on parameter mapping themes in sonification research. Methods from user-centered design are used in the creation of new sonification tools as applied to data. The chapter is grounded in case studies which take into consideration the full context of auditory display. I have caught people before and the game audio community is very small, especially with those that do the hiring.

sound design opportunities

What Is a Sound Designer?

SOUND DESIGNERS direct the sound crew, who is charged with implementing the vision for each live performance. Attend industry events, join online communities, and connect with other sound designers and media professionals on social media. Whether you are interested in jobs in film, theatre, video games, or other industries, there are plenty of opportunities to pursue a career in sound design.

Getting Certified as a Sound Designer

Please don't waste your time or ours by applying if you're only interested in music. People devote their entire careers and lives to sound design, it is not something composers do when their music career doesn't take off. It's cool if sound designers can also make music, but it is NOT a fall back job. Sorry if this sounds like a rant, but I'd say at least HALF of the applicants are from composers or music people that have no interest or experience in sound design. In the film industry, sound designers’ salaries can depend on other factors, such as the reputation of the filmmaker or studio or the complexity of the project. Entry-level positions in film sound design can start around $30,000 to $50,000 per year with more experienced sound designers can earn salaries ranging from $60,000 to $100,000 or more.

Learn The Required Skills

These include knowledge of audio recording and editing software, familiarity with musical concepts, and an ability to think creatively to create and manipulate sound. Creating a sound design portfolio will help you showcase your skills to potential employers and collaborators. You can present examples of your work to demonstrate your unique style and creativity. Consider volunteering to create the sound design for student films, indie games, or even podcasts. Remember to always include your best work to exhibit your abilities fully.

Responsibilities of a sound designer

Overall, they are responsible for creating an auditory experience that enhances and elevates the visuals of a project. Mixing is the process of blending different audio tracks together to create a cohesive and balanced sound design. Here are some steps you can take to get started on your sound design career. We have dozens of interviews from the pros that work with you at Recording Connection.

What does a Sound Designer do?

I've just finished my program today with Recording Connection, for 9 months. I'm so entirely grateful that I found them, and for all they've done for me and my music... After being a musician for a couple of years, I've decided to take my music skills to the next level. “I like to think more often that we discover sounds,” Thom said, fitting pieces of what they’ve experienced together into something new that serves the story. For Lucero, the allure of music wasn’t just the songs, it was the distinctive sounds of the instruments — the tone of the guitar, the snap of the snare.

School of Theater

Sound design is a field that is constantly evolving, with new technologies and techniques emerging regularly. Becoming a proficient sound designer is typically a journey that extends beyond a fixed timeframe. It takes consistent practice, dedication, and a commitment to lifelong learning. It’s not uncommon for sound designers to spend several years honing their craft and gaining experience before reaching their goals of a successful career. You’ll get courses in music theory and technical aspects of the job, but also get real-world experience with a mentor–all at a fraction of the cost.

Sound Design—BA Visual and Performing Arts Michigan Tech - Michigan Technological University

Sound Design—BA Visual and Performing Arts Michigan Tech.

Posted: Tue, 03 Jan 2017 19:13:31 GMT [source]

How to become a Sound Designer

Sound designers use mixing techniques and spatialization to position and move sounds within the stereo or surround sound field. This volume gathers chapters on the wide range of research methodologies used in sound design today. Sound design is usually defined as distinct sets of related fields of practice, e.g. sound design for film and video, or for installation and performance, or for auditory display and sonification, games and so on. Learning the basics of audio production, networking with industry professionals, and exploring various software and tools used in sound design are all important steps to take. Sound designers are responsible for creating and selecting sound effects that bring the visual elements of a project to life.

The production’s composer oversees the music, and the rest is overseen by the supervising sound editor. The MFA Sound Design curriculum allows students to develop both theoretical and practical skills. Coursework includes creative listening, mixing and programming, music for themed entertainment, and strategic approaches to sound environments.

For instance, if the music project is for a video game, the sound designer must create different sounds for different actions performed in the game. The main aim is to create a unique and immersive experience for the listener. The sound designer works closely with the recording engineer to make sure that all sounds are recorded cleanly, without any noise or distortion.

A powerful computer with sufficient processing power and storage is required to run this software, and you can find free versions online. When you’re ready to take a big step up, consider investing in Pro Tools, Logic Pro, or Ableton Live–these are industry standards. But if learning sound design is more of a hobby, online learning platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and LinkedIn Learning offer a wide range of sound design courses taught by industry professionals. These courses often provide structured lessons, practical assignments, and the flexibility to learn at your own pace. The most dramatic difference in the career nowadays is on the demand side. Video game studios have become a major new source of work for sound designers and, increasingly, other tech companies have as well.

In that time, Rebecca has established herself as a sound designer regionally. As a teenager she was an active member of the Calhoun On Tour Theatre Company, a magnet arts program. Rebecca continued her education at SUNY New Paltz, studying both theatre performance and design technology. It was at New Paltz that she discovered sound design, and quickly recognized her passion and aptitude for the medium.

By taking these steps, you can start your journey and begin creating unique and compelling sounds for a variety of media. Attend workshops, conferences, and courses to learn about new techniques and software. "Training with actual pro and learning hands-on with equipment is the best way for me, because you’re in the moment and you realize your mistakes and achievements. I have a... I met a lot of really amazing people and was able to be apart of some amazing sessions. Enjoyed every minute of the 4-5 months I've been with recording connection.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Step-by-Step Patio Design Plans for an Outdoor Space You'll Love

my patio design

Striking such a balance in your backyard takes careful consideration. With HomeByMe, homeowners have full control of their design as well as the rest of their home plans. The addition of branded furniture makes shopping a breeze, but it can feel restricting if you want an unlisted item. Browse through their extensive design collection or search according to your home’s specifications, such as Patio Designs for 4′ Corners. Additionally, their accessory designs are handy if you want to add a built-in barbeque, kitchen, fireplace, or pergola. After downloading your selections, you can get started by yourself or enlist the help of contractors.

Bonus Tip: Create Separate Seating Areas

Large bulbed string lights are a perfect choice for creating enough light to entertain. A pergola roof with variegated metal or plastic sheeting looks permanent but is more affordable. The plastic option allows filtered light through, which keeps your patio brighter.

Contractor and Suppliers...Sell More Patios!

Raise greenery and flowers off the ground with hanging planters, suspended from the ceiling or affixed to a nearby fence or a railing to keep floor spaces clear and open. An inviting alfresco living space can add major appeal to your home, especially if you tap into backyard patio ideas to truly transform your outdoor mojo. “The outdoor living rooms and dining rooms carry the interior style to the exterior spaces,” says Susan Skornicka, founding principal of Skornicka Designs in Ross, California. It’s never been easier to get your clients excited about their new outdoor living area!

Patio Color Scheme

It also includes a tilt system so you can adjust the umbrella as the sun moves throughout the day. According to shoppers, it's easy to assemble, sturdy, and provides excellent coverage against the sun. CAD Pro helps you plan and complete any type of patio plans with intuitive smart floor plan tools and remodeling design symbols. Even a worksheet is designed into our material list so estimating is simple and easy. If you’re a contractor, it’s never been easier to present a beautiful, affordable design plan to your clients. Our downloadable plan has all the details you need in an easy-to-follow installation guide.

my patio design

Creating an inviting backyard retreat goes beyond simply arranging some chairs and firing up the grill. It’s about designing a space that blends comfort, style, and functionality. Whether you’re looking to entertain guests, unwind after a long day, or simply soak up the sun, the addition of a deck or patio in your backyard can enhance your outdoor enjoyment. Affordable and practical are just a few of the great things describing our DIY Paver Patio Design with Seat Wall. The 24” tall seating wall provides extra space for guests without having to add more furniture and provides privacy to both sides of patio.

The Top 5 Outdoor Living Trends for 2023 Are All About Relaxation - Better Homes & Gardens

The Top 5 Outdoor Living Trends for 2023 Are All About Relaxation.

Posted: Wed, 10 May 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

my patio design

That way, you can plan in patio planting ideas such as beds, borders and pot positions right from the start, and even factor in space for any outdoor kitchen ideas you may have. Designing a patio layout should be determined by how you want to use it – and therefore the furniture it will house. So, if you plan to entertain regularly, you will want to consider various patio furniture ideas – a dining set, a lounging set, or both – that will help you make the most of the space. Enhance your outdoor lifestyle and create a space that seamlessly blends comfort and style. Download our app now and maximize your outdoor living potential. If you want to design your patio online, the Houzz app’s features will be useful in every aspect of your project.

Then you could do all of your entertaining outside, never leaving your guests to prepare food and drinks. Using this wood gives your patio an authentic rustic feel and uses wood that’s durable enough to last outdoors. Another option is to choose tin for the roof of your covered porch. Consider using more than one color of brick for a variegated look. You can also use distinctly different colors to create a pattern. This works well for designing a border around the perimeter of your patio.

Outdoor Kitchen Design B48-13436-HC

The 24” tall seating walls provide extra seating without taking a... Designed for an "L" shaped home, the Small Courtyard Patio Design is a simple and exciting patio for the entire family to enjoy. The circular area is a perfect fit for a round patio table and the paved pad for your roll around barbecue grill gives you more space on the main patio. With easy to follow installation instructions, the downloadable plan will make construction much more simple and affordable.

This matchy-matchy approach can lack charisma and feel uninspired. Mixing and matching pieces, on the other hand, is a way to put your own personal thumbprint on the design. Here, Collected Interiors combines a set of unique outdoor sofas with funky black chairs.

Consider building a low-maintenance pond next to a small patio. This design from Stone Age Landscaping offers a small sitting area, just big enough for two patio chairs. If eclectic charm isn't your speed, perhaps a more contemporary minimalist approach is the way to go. In this gorgeous patio by Price Hart Design, a palette of cool gray, white, and black feels elevated and intentional. Cozy furniture and greenery help keep things from feeling one-dimensional. Create your very own oasis with these designer-inspired patio ideas.

When all you need is a simple patio to enjoy the outdoors, our DIY Paver Patio Design is the perfect option. Simply add some colorful outdoor living to your existing patio with the DIY Patio Addition Design. With colorful pavers and beautiful landscaping our Design for Small Curvy Paver Patio Addition seamlessly creates a fabulous outdoor dining area you will want to use every chance you get. Designed to butt against the straight side of your existing patio, the remaining curvy edges perfectly extend into your backyard forming a private circular di... Don't feel like you need to go overboard with your patio design. Sometimes, less is more, as proven in this gorgeous outdoor space by Farmscape.

With over ten years of experience, Andra understands the unique challenges that come with home improvement projects and interior design. Build a space for your grill, add a stovetop, and have a countertop for meal prep. Add a drink fridge or under-the-counter fridge for a convenient place to keep items cold. If you aren’t laying your bricks on concrete, buy thick enough stones to give them longevity. Thinner stones tend to sink and adjust over time, making for a less-than-flat surface.

April 24, 2024 US university protests

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